$1850.00 (20% OFF)
LAF Reclining Loveseat with Half Wedge & RAF Reclining Console Loveseat with Half Wedge
SKU: ASL-3690248-3690249
LAF Reclining Loveseat with Half Wedge & RAF Reclining Loveseat with Half Wedge
SKU: ASL-3690248-3690250
LAF Loveseat
SKU: ASL-3690248
RAF Loveseat
SKU: ASL-3690249
SKU: ASL-3690225
Built-in compartment to securely hold beverage cups or containers.
Flexible and adaptable design with interchangeable components for customized arrangements.
Adjustable seating position, often leaning back for enhanced comfort and relaxation.
Space-saving compartments for organized keeping of belongings or items.